Driver CPC Periodic Training

OK what is the Driver CPC Periodic training .... driver cpc is a link to our dedicated CPC Training site

The driver cpc is a scheme for PCV (passenger) & LGV (goods) drivers who drive vocationally (professionally) in UK. It is a requirement of the EU Directive 2003/59, which is designed to improve the knowledge and skills of vocational PCV and LGV drivers throughout their working life.

When did the Driver CPC scheme start

It started in September 2008 for PCV and September (10th) 2009 for Goods Drivers.

So how will the Driver CPC affect me?

Depending on the type of licence you hold, will determine how you acquire the driver cpc.

  • New drivers acquiring a vocational entitlement (C1, C1+E, C or C+E licence) after the 10th September 2009 have to obtain an initial cpc in addition to their licence.
  • Existing drivers who already hold a vocational licence on the 10th September 2009 are exempt from the initial CPC. This is known as "acquired rights". BUT they will still have to complete 35 hours of driver cpc training every 5 years

Now what will happen once I have my Driver CPC?

Irrespective of when or how a driver obtains the driver cpc, you must complete a total of 35 hours periodic training within the following five years to keep the Driver CPC valid. LGV Drivers who are exempt from the Driver CPC via acquired rights will have to complete their periodic Driver CPC by September 2014. PCV drivers by September 2013.
For more information on the Initial Driver CPC please go to and go the Vehicle Drivers page.
To download more information about the Initial Driver CPC please click here
To download a copy of the directive click here
To download an A5 leaflet containing information about the Driver CPC Periodic Training please click here

Driver CPC – NVT (National Vocational Training) Option new drivers only

The PCV/LGV Driver Training Directive allows for new drivers who are working towards their driver cpc to undertake an approved National Vocational Training (NVT) programme alongside their Initial Driver CPC.

This option allows drivers who have achieved Module 1 and Module 3 to enrol on an approved NVT programme for up to 12 months while they complete the remaining Driver CPC modules. Effectively this then enables drivers to drive professionally for up to 12 months while they complete their driver cpc. This 12 month period is known as the NVT Concession, it is for new drivers only.

Drivers who participate in such a programme will be following two linked training courses at the same time: one which will take them to their driver cpc, the other leads to a national qualification such as NVQ. The following qualifications are approved for NVT concessions:

  • N/SVQ in Driving Goods Vehicles
  • N/SVQ in Carry and Deliver Goods
  • BTEC in Carry & Deliver Goods

So let’s recap

  • New PCV drivers will have their driver cpc but will have to complete 35 hours of Driver CPC every 5 years
  • Existing PCV drivers can still drive until September 2013 but must before then have completed 35 hours of driver cpc or they cannot drive vocationally after then.
  • New LGV drivers from September 2009 will have their driver cpc but will have to complete 35 hours of driver cpc every 5 years

Existing LGV drivers can still drive until September 2014, but must after September 2009 and then, have completed 35 hours of driver cpc or they cannot drive